Friday, November 28, 2008

Have a Helping of Family Fun Leftovers

Who doesn't love Thanksgiving leftovers? You can't beat that turkey sandwich on Friday or a slice of cold pumpkin pie. But what about all of that family fun and time spent together yesterday? There's plenty of that to last throughout the year!

As National Family Week comes to a close, consider carrying that holiday spirit past the holidays. Why not start a regular Family Fun Night? Life can be pretty hectic, pulling your valuable time away from the family. Designate a special night each week to spend only with your family. Turn off the TV, put away the cell phone and get to know those people living in your house.

There are an unlimited list of things you can do.
  • Have a story night and read aloud some of your favorite books together, a sort of family book club. Not only will your children's reading skills improve, but you will get a better understanding of their likes and dislikes and even expose yourself to a wider variety of literature.
  • Pull out those classic board games and show them a thing or two about how to conquer Monopoly. A little competitive fun never hurt anyone, and your children will learn more about teamwork and how not to be a sore loser.
  • Put on a family talent show and show off your skills. Try for the longest hula hooping, play an instrument or do a magic trick. Recognizing your child's special abilities will help boost their self esteem.

Try out a few of these website for more ideas, or post your own ideas here for others to share!

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