Friday My Last Day Tennessee Here I come
The Mix Club for Kids
I think today was my favorite day. Samuel came and picked me up and took to me to the Mix Club that he works at some afternoons near Duha. It is like a Rec Center and right in the middle of the Pentagon. Great name huh? The Pentagon is a housing project that mostly Gypsies live in and there are a lot of drugs in the area. Samuel says people in the community are afraid of people who live in the Pentagon. Aren't we all, maybe for different reasons.
Anyway, I was quite alarmed to hear the first rule of the club. Children must smoke outside. .... Yes you heard it right. It is a reality here. It is illegal to sell to children under 15 but many children under 15 smoke. Wow. Again the walls were painted, you can see where they painted the outside. Samuel gave me a cd of songs that 2 boys, ages 14 and 16, made singing gypsy and slovak songs. It was amazing. They were so good. Very professional. If I were smart enough I would put some of it on the blog. I think it can be done... maybe.
Then we visited my young friends Rene and Kevin from my last visit 3 years ago. They are now in a children's home outside Bratislava. I did not know if they would remember me, but I was hoping. Of course I took them Tennessee Volunteer Football hats. What kind of person would I be if I didn't.... right? They were very pleased. Rene said he would come to Tennessee and play foot ball. Rene remembered me, he is the same age as my son Noah, but Kevin who is the age of my son Joel did not. Rene had used up most of my video tape during my visit to Duha and remembered using my camera. The other children at the home had many questions about America. They wanted to know if I knew Tu Pac and 50 Cents. Apparently rap is very big among teens. Samuel says among gypsy children rap and gangs are a very popular image of America. Not much to be said for that.
I gave the boys my card and told them to learn English and they can email or write to me. I hope they will finish school.
The last event of my day (before packing and flying home to my
wonderful family) was to meet Eva and Igor her husband in the old city for a very important reception for the former Prime Minister (I think- anyway he was very important) who had written a book with the former PM from the Czeck Repbulic. It was a policical event and a book signing all in one. Igor works for him which is how I got a special invitation. It was very interesting. After the speeches, they christened the book. I can't think of any other way to say it. They took water and poured it over the book like a christening. 
Here is a famous actor I don't know and the former Prime Minister getting ready to pour water on the book.
Last but not least, I saw the people watcher in his window again today. I have looked for him every day to no avail, but today he was there. A very nice ending to a great week. I am very thankful to the Partnership, Chattanooga Rotary Club, Bryan College and Dennis Miller who helped make this week happen. I hope some community change begins to occur and that maybe I have planted some seeds. Chow - See you in Chattanooga
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