Flowers in the park

Brana di Zivota "Gate to the Life" was a great visit today. I met with the Director Gabriella and her staff. Two of them spoke English which helped. They have a similar program to the Partnership shelter and serve 12 women with children. They also have a children without parents shelter and house young people aging out of shelter care.
As throughout my trip, the thing that I was interested in was how they collaborated with other programs in the community to lobby for funding and to create a coalition to speak for victims rights. That is a very new concept here, so maybe I planted some seeds. I hope so. Education and prevention of domestic violence; rape; homelessness and other social issues are not high on priority lists partially because there are few staff to do the work (which I totally understand). But I am also not sure there is full recognition of how prevention can be related to education efforts. They do not do psycho-educational groups on domestic violence with the women in their shelter with topics about the cycle of abuse; indicators of abuse; effects on children; safety planning etc. These issues are usually worked on one on one in meetings with the psychologist. I encouraged them to do the classes with all women they work with. Very important concept because domestic violence impact everyone.
They would like for me to send them our support group program on domestic violence. I am very excited about that.
Eva and a few of her class
In the afternoon I taught a class for my friend Eva Havelkova at the University Performing Arts. I talked about the Partnership and our project in Slovakia, but I focused my topic on the history of the oppression of women; domestic violence; rape and dating relationships. They were quite amazed at some of the things I said. They do not talk about those issues here and especially dating violence. I brought some cards I received from the Tennessee Coalition against Domestic and Sexual Violence created through the website. the students had never seen anything like it. We briefly talked about rights in a dating relationship... again a very foreign concept.I focused on how important my understanding of my history was to how I create change in my community. Many of the students here do not even learn about being under communism and it was only 20 years ago. They do not know about oppression and it is not taught to them to my understanding. So.... I gave them a lesson in oppression and civic responsibility. I asked Eva later if I could be arrested for the things I may have said. Not since 1989.
Later in the day as I was walking back to the boat I saw some of the most beautiful flowers in bloom and then a saw some people rowing. Life here is not as fast paced as at home. Even though the week will soon be over, the hours are not frantic ,filled with due dates; PQI reports; grants due; too many meetings to attend; and never ending work with no time to complete it. It has been so nice to put that away for a week and focus on one thing at a time and enjoy each moment
of time not worrying about the next one. However, I miss my family and can't wait to seem them Saturday. It seems like a month since I hugged and kissed my boys.
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