Monday, April 26, 2010

Bratislava and Domestic Violence

[Posted by Regina McDevit, Director of Crisis Services at the Partnership]
My first blog post. Ever....and I am doing it from another country. I have already had to figure out how to change the language at the top back to English from Slovenske. As my husband would literacy is a challenge for me. Please remember I am a novice.

I am so excited be visiting for the 3rd time, thanks to Dennis Miller; Bryan College and the Chattanooga Rotary Club and of course the Partnership. I have had the privelege and honor to consult with programs working with victims of domestic violence in Bratislava for 4 years. Domestic violence and other forms of violence against women are very much a thriving activity across the world. Sadly, many countries are 20 to 30 years behind the United States.

The Bratislava programs and my good friend and human rights expert Eva Havelkova is interested in quality of services that the Partnership provides to victims and the multi service aspect. There are no agencies similar in Slovakia.

I have worked with the Duha Shelter since 2007 and can't wait to see all of my friends there this week.

I arrived yesterday and my luggage arrived today (for which I am very grateful). I can now dry my hair and use my curling iron and computer. I have had only one altercation with a taxi driver who was not happy when I did not believe he was giving me a good price to my hotel. Thankfully my friend Dagmar and her husband showed up right after that and I did not have to discuss the matter any longer. I am trying to figure out the Euro and think I may have been ripped off but since I can't count it I don't know. I shall ask Samuel, our friend from Duha that visited Partnership in February, about the currency.

I saw this dog looking out the window on my way to the old city center today. He was people watching.

Tomorrow I hope to visit one of the shelters. I will also visit 2 young brothers about the ages of my sons. They were at Duha shelter last visit and now they are in another shelter. I hope they remember me. They were abandoned by their parents and have no one to care for them. There are 2 new domestic violence shelters in Bratislava since my last visit. That is good news. I shall keep you posted on my adventures.


Peculiar said...

Except the taxi driver, sounds like things are going well. It's so good to know that our agency and city can be a model for people in another country. I remember when you first went there, and I remember Eva coming to us. This was really cool, I thought. We were reaching far beyond our doors and helping women across the world. Keep blogging, and we'll keep checking in on you. Glad you got to go.

Unknown said...

Hi Regina,
I'm glad you made it to Bratislava safe and sound. I am looking forward to reading more about your visit.