Monday, August 18, 2008

You Gotta Have Friends!

The Partnership's development staff attended the Tennessee Valley Fundraising Institute (TVFI) last Friday at UTC, hosted by the United Way's Center for Nonprofits. The keynote address was delivered by the Queen of Networking, Andrea Nierenberg. Check out her blog at to see just how she has earned her title! Her speech was reinvigorating, focusing on the basics of relationships - making friends and keeping them, and especially how to avoid losing them. As a nonprofit and a provider of social services in the Greater Chattanooga area, the Partnership understands how important relationships are. We hope our friends know just how much we appreciate them. We could never in 100 years (or in 131?) do the work we do, empower people to build better lives, without the support of our friends. So THANK YOU!

And thank you to Ms. Nierenberg for sharing her experience and wisdom with so many development professionals in our community. Perhaps, as a result, there are hundreds of donors, volunteers and community supporters receiving calls and notes of thanks across Chattanooga this morning.

1 comment:

Andrea Nierenberg said...

Thank you all! It was truly wonderful being with all of you and I loved being in Chattanooga!
Thank you so much!

Continued great success!
Andrea Nierenberg