Friday, September 17, 2010

Domestic Violence Kills

Many of you have heard about the tragic murder of a local woman at the hands of domestic violence. The Partnership's Crisis Services is still reeling from the news. We want to tell as many people as possible that help is available to them and their families. We want them to know about our 24/7 Crisis Hotline that provides confidential, often life-saving assistance, to victims of domestic violence. Victims do not have to suffer. Please call (423) 755-2700 if you are being abused. Someone is available at all times to help you and your family get to safety. You don't have to hurt anymore.

CRISIS HOTLINE 423-755-2700

Friday, September 10, 2010

Celebrate Recovery Today - National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month

There are over 23 million Americans currently being treated for drug and alcohol addiction. They are on the road to recovery. This is the 20th year celebrating National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. Partnership Counseling Center joined the celebration today starting with a march across the Walnut Street Bridge and ending with a community presentation at Miller Plaza. Both city and county mayor offices recognized today's celebration with proclomations.

More important though, have been the stories recovering addicts have shared publicly today. As I sit here writing this now, a local artist is sharing his story of recovery and how CADAS helped him rebuild his life. A previous recovering addict, who was an attorney previously, shared his story of addiction to meth. A local nurse shared how she quite smoking after 35 years and reminded the audience that nicotine is also a drug. One consistent message of all the recovering addicts was that help is out there.

The Partnership Counseling Center is one of the many resources in Chattanooga. Cal 423-697-7130 to schedule a confidential appointment.